Jennifer Pluznick PhD

Jennifer Pluznick

Associate Professor


Research Interests

Elucidating the role of sensory receptors (olfactory receptors and other sensory GPCRs) in regulating renal and cardiovascular function; elucidating the role of the gut microbiota in renal and cardiovascular function

Our lab is interested in the role that chemosensation plays in regulating physiological processes, particularly in the kidney and the cardiovascular system. We have found that sensory receptors (olfactory receptors, taste receptors, and other G-protein coupled receptors) are expressed in the kidney and in blood vessels, and that individual receptors play functional roles in whole-animal physiology.  We are working to understand the role that each receptor plays in whole-animal physiology by using a variety of in vitro (receptor localization, ligand screening) and in vivo (whole-animal physiology) techniques.  We have found that two renal/cardiovascular sensory receptors modulate blood pressure regulation in response to changes in gut microbial metabolites; thus, we also exploring the interplay of sensory receptors, the gut microbiota, and blood pressure regulation.