The Cellular and Molecular Physiology (CMP) graduate program develops agile, independent scientists who identify important scientific gaps, establish creative, mechanistic hypotheses, and execute experimental strategies that are comprehensive, cutting edge, and push their field forward. Our students work at the frontier of integrating molecular and cellular mechanisms to understand both normal and disease physiology.
Our trainees develop the accolades, acumen, wherewithal, and confidence to successfully impact the future as scientific leaders.
Invest in the Best
We seek to recruit excellence which comes in all forms and orientations and from every background. In recruiting excellence, we strive to create a supportive environment that values everyone’s unique perspective. Our training and mentoring is designed to further cultivate and assist the success of our students towards diverse careers in the sciences.
The CMP program is small but mighty. Our size allows an almost 1:1 ratio of student to preceptor, which affords many advantages. As reflected by the average number of publications (3.1 pubs/ student) and time-to-degree (5.7 years over the past 5 years) for CMP graduate students, our ability to invest in the success of our trainees has paid clear dividends.
Our Success
Due to our uniqueness, CMP ranked 5th out of 63 similar programs in the National Research Council (NRC) conducted between 2005 and 2010. Our past trainees, the fruits of our labor, reflect CMPs status. Hear what past trainees have to say about their time in the CMP family.
Does the CMP graduate program sound right for you? Apply to join our ranks and immerse yourself in our training philosophy and culture.