Xiao-Qing Cheng

Xiao-Qing Cheng


  1. Cheng, X., Hao, Y., Shu,W., Zhao, M., Zhao, C., Wu, Y.,Yang, Z., Peng, X., Yao, P., Xiao, D., Qing, G., Pan, Z., Yin, L., Hu, D.*, Du, H.N.* (2017) Cell cycle-dependent Degradation of the Methyltransferase SETD3 Suppresses Cell Proliferation and Liver Tumorigenesis. J Biol. Chemdoi: 10.1074/jbc.M117.778001.
  2. Ji-Ying Hu, De-Lin Zhang, Xiao-Ling Liu, Xue-Shou Li, Xiao-Qing Cheng, Jie Chen, Hai-Ning Du, Yi Liang* (2016). Pathological concentration of zinc dramatically accelerates abnormal aggregation of full-length human Tau and thereby significantly increases Tau toxicity in neuronal cells. BBA-Mol. Basis Dis. 1863, 414-427.
  3. Liu Xiao-Ling, Hu Ji-Ying, Hu Meng-Yun, Zhang Yi, Hong Zheng-Yuan, Cheng Xiao-Qing, Chen Jie, Pang Dai-Wen, Liang Yi. (2015) Sequence-dependent abnormal aggregation of human Tau fragment in an inducible cell model. BBA-Mol. Basis Dis. 161:1852-1573.