Yingzhi Ye

Undergraduate Institution

BS, Zhejiang University

Awards and Honors

2023 – Toffler Scholar Award

Research Interests

Neurodegenerative diseases; neurobiology; RNA biology

Alexa Wade

Awards and Honors

2023 – Maria Del Carmen Vitery Graduate Student Award

2021- 2023 American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship

Research Interests

Transcriptional mechanism of brown adipose tissue function


Bethea M, Liu Y, Wade AK, Mullen R, Gupta R, Gelfanov V, DiMarchi R, Bhatnagar S, Behringer R, Habegger KM, Hunter CS. The islet-expressed Lhx1 transcription factor interacts with Islet-1 and contributes to glucose homeostasis. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Mar 1;316(3):E397-E409.

Wade AK, Liu Y, Bethea MM, Toren E, Tse HM, Hunter CS. LIM-domain transcription complexes interact with ring-finger ubiquitin ligases and thereby impact islet β-cell function. J Biol Chem. 2019 Aug 2;294(31):11728-11740.

Jessica Hernandez

Undergraduate Degree/Institution

BA, University of Maryland College Park

Awards and Honors

  • 2024 – NHLBI T32 (T32HL007534)

Research Interests

The role of Perm1 in the skeletal muscle specific distribution and function of mitochondria.


Yi Henry Cheng

Undergraduate Institution

BS, Taipei Medical University

MS, National Taiwan University

Awards and Honors

2024 – Channels and Transporters in Immunity FASEB meeting: Travel and Best Poster Awards

Research Interests

I’m interested in novel ion channels, cellular and organelle biology, physiology, and innate immunity