Lauryn Torres-Hernandez

Undergraduate Institution

B.S. General Biology, Montana State University-Billings

Awards and Honors

2024-2026 IBBS Director’s Fellowship

Research Interests

Neurodegenerative diseases, microscopy, cell signaling and signal transduction, membrane transport, and protein-protein interactions.


Julie Asbury

B.A. Biology, Notre Dame of Maryland University

Research Interests

Understanding the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases.

Niannian Xu

Research Interests

Investigating the pathogenesis of FTLD-TDP and ALS diseases and establishing more comprehensive and efficient screening platforms.



Robert M. Hughes

Awards and Honors

2024 – J. Mario Molina Physician Scientist Scholarship

Research Interests

Steatohepatitis in Wilson Disease, role of copper in liver immunometabolism, intercellular communication/signaling