Congrats, JP!

JP Llongueras, in the Bosmans lab, has received the prestigious HHMI Gilliam Fellowship. Awesome job JP, keep up the good work!

Good work, Seun!

The excellent work at the bench by Oluwaseun Ogunbona, CMP graduate student in the Claypool lab, was recognized with the Alicia Showalter Reynolds Award by the Young Investigators’ Day Committee! Awesome achievement for a great PhD student!

Congrats, Liz!

On June 1st, Elizabeth Calzada, BCMB graduate student in the Claypool lab, garners a travel scholarship to attend the 2017 SACNAS – The National Diversity in STEM Conference in Salt lake City. Way to go, Liz!

Way to go, Seun!

On June 13th, Oluwaseun Ogunbona, CMP graduate student in the Claypool lab, receives a Cardiovascular Outreach Award to attend the American Heart Association’s Basic Cardiovascular Sciences 2017 Scientific Sessions meeting in Portland, Oregon. Congrats yet again, Seun!